Ground Support Equipment (Nitrogen Oxygen)


HII Pumps is a designer and manufacturer of a wide range of air driven liquid pumps, air driven gas boosters, air driven air pressure amplifiers; electric gas boosters, high-pressure valves and components.  We offer Ground Support Equipment (Nitrogen Oxygen), standard products and custom configurations. Pneumatic Driven Liquid Pumps / Pneumatic & Electric Driven Gas Boosters / Air Amplifier Systems / Pneumatic & Electric Driven Nitrogen & Oxygen & Hydrogen & Helium & Argon & Carbon Dioxide & Mixed Gas Systems / Hydrostatic Test Pumps / Hand Operated Gas Boosters / High Pressure Components & Valves.

(MRO Facility or Workshop)


Nitrogen Oxygen Boosters

Model: HIHG2-25041 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

For charging up to four (4) Nitrogen  Empty Bottles up to

  5,000 PSI even if the Supply Nitrogen Bottle

     drops to as low as 200 PSI.


Air Driven Oxygen Booster

Air Driven Oxygen Cylinder Recharging Booster Pump


Hand Operated Gas Booster

Manual Operated Hand Gas Booster


Electric Driven Oxygen Bottle Refilling Booster


Ground Support Equipment (Nitrogen Oxygen)

 Nitrogen Oxygen Boosters

Wall-Mounted Charging Station capable to refill up to 8 Bottles



Model: 2G-C30302-A1-A2

Electric Gas Booster

(MRO Facility or Workshop)


For charging up to four (4) Nitrogen Bottles

   or four (4) Oxygen Bottles up to 3,500 PSI

     even if  the supply gas drops to as low as 300 PSI.



                     Nitrogen Booster

 (MRO Facility or Workshop)


 Model: HIHPG3-27211 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

         Designed to charge single (1) small aviation bottle up

                                                                                         3,450 PSI even if supply Nitrogen Bottle drops to as low as 300-psi.



Oxygen Booster

(Nitrogen cart)


Model: HIHPG1-27129 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

For charging up to 4,500 PSI even if the Supply Nitrogen Bottle drops to as low as 300 PSI.


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Compact booster mounted on kick stand equipped, single nitrogen cylinder hand truck. Recommended to be used with 5G-SS and 5G-SD series only.


     Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

(Hanger & Flight Line)


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Model: HIHPG1-23002 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

       For charging up to 3,500 PSI even if the supply Nitrogen Bottle drops to as low as 300-psi.

        (Bottles not shown in picture)

     Model: HIHPG1-20633 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

For charging of aircraft tyres: Outlet Pressure Regulator adjustable from 0 to 350 psi.


                          Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 (Hangar & Flight Line)

4 Bottle Nitrogen Cart


  Model: HIP-20608

             For charging up to 3,500 PSI even if the supply Nitrogen  Bottle drops to as low as 300-psi.


Model: HIP-20584 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

111451-100 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

(Hangar & Flight Line)

3000 PSI N2 Cart Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

6 Bottle Cart Nitrogen Oxygen Trolley

3,000 to 5,000 PSI NITROGEN CHARGING CART (Model: 111451-100)

This Nitrogen Cart is a self-contained, dual-output system designed to provide regulated Nitrogen pressure at two different ranges: low pressure 0-350 PSI and high pressure 0-3000 PSI .The nitrogen cart can be used to perform the following functions:

• The low pressure side of the nitrogen cart provides a source of nitrogen at controlled pressures of 0-350 PSI to service aircraft tires or other components.

• The high pressure side of the nitrogen cart provides a source of nitrogen at controlled pressures of 0-3000 PSI to service aircraft high pressure nitrogen system and components.

• Provides a source of nitrogen for static proof-pressure testing of aircraft systems up to 3000 PSI.


20 Bottles N2 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Nitrogen fill system

20 Bottles Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment


Ground Support Equipment (Nitrogen Oxygen)



Air Driven Oxygen Booster

(MRO Facility or Workshop)


      Model: HIHPG2-25112

    For charging up to four (4) Oxygen Empty Bottles up

to  3,000 PSI even if the supply Oxygen drops to as

           low as 200 PSI.


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Wall-Mounted Charging Station capable to refill up to 8 Bottles


                    SINGLE OXYGEN BOOSTER

                 (MRO Facility or Workshop)


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Model: HIHPG3-27211 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Designed to charge single (1) small aviation bottle up

                                                           to 3,450 PSI even if supply Oxygen Bottle drops to as low as 300-psi.


                                                                                              SINGLE OXYGEN BOOSTER

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment                                              (Oxygen Cart)

                               SINGLE OXYGEN BOOSTER

                                 Model: HIHPG3-27107

                          For charging up to 4,500-psi even

            if the supply Oxygen Bottle drops to as low as 300 PSI.



 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Compact booster mounted on kick stand equipped, single oxygen cylinder hand truck. Recommended to be used with 5G-SS and 5G SD series only.


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 (Oxygen Cart)


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Model: HIHPG1-23031 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

For charging up to 3,000 PSI even if the supply Oxygen Bottle  drops to as low as 300 PSI.

(Bottles not shown in picture)


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

(Hangar & Flight Line)


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Model: HIP-20585 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

               For charging up to 3,000 PSI even if the supply Oxygen  Bottle drops to as low as 300-psi.



(Hangar & Flight Line)

6 Bottle Cart Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

3,000 to 5,000 PSI Oxygen Charging Cart (Model: HIP-20589)

Hydraulics International’s 4-6 bottle Oxygen charging cart enables the full use of 2500-psi Oxygen storage maximizing the volume of Oxygen at the site. It ensures full fills even if the Oxygen storage cylinders drop as low as 300-psi. The cart design provides easy bottle access & removal and the booster may be driven with a low pressure conventional air compressor, or optional “Bootstrap” directly from the High-Pressure Oxygen storage supply.

The high-pressure section of the booster is cooled by the drive exhaust air and operates dry, non-lubricated. In the shop air drive mode, non-contaminated outlet gas is assured because of complete dual vented separation from the drive section.


20 Bottles O2 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

20 Bottles Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment



 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Capable of boosting oxygen/nitrogen from as low as 300 PSI up to 3450 PSI.

Unit could be driven Manually

Low pressure conventional air compressor, or

Regulated high-pressure air storage. Minimum 150 PSI air supply.


 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

      Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

Rebreathers – EMS O2 Bottles –Aviator Breathing O2 System includes a remote set pilot cutoff valve enabling the user to boost oxygen with infinite desired fill pressures

* Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment


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PACKAGE SYSTEMS Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

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 Nitrogen Oxygen Aircraft Ground Support Equipment

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