PUMP, Air Driven Air Pressure Amplifiers

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PUMP, Air Driven Air Pressure Amplifiers



PUMP, Air Driven Air Pressure Amplifiers

Hydraulics International, Inc, (HII) is a manufacturer of pneumatically driven, high-pressure liquid pumps, gas boosters, air pressure amplifiers, and high pressure systems.

HII air driven air pressure amplifiers operate using the principle of differential areas. Like any air tool, they operate from a single shop air connection for most applications. The air used for cycling exhausts through the muffler provided, or may be piped out of the area. The rest of the air is compressed to a higher pressure output. When output demand stops, the unit will stall in a force balanced condition consuming no power nor generating any heat. When output demand resumes, the unit automatically responds and cycles at the rate needed to meet that demand, up to the units capacity.


  • Compact: installs off the floor, out of the way, in any position.
  • 2 connections: plant air in, amplified air out. (Pilot air connection is optional for start-stop control with a PCV

valve or solenoid valve and pressure switch.)

  • Can replace a dedicated air compressor: 10 HP size in a typical large plant spot requirement for 100 PSI

when only 80 PSI is available. (Model 5A-DS-2)

  • Replace bottled nitrogen: up to 700 PSI for air testing, lab or production. (Model 5A-DS-5 & 7A-DS-8)

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